Som første aikidoutøver i Norge, fikk Mouliko utdelt 7.dan under den årlige Kagamibiraki-seremonien i Hombu Dojo, søndag 11. januar 2015.
Mouliko er hovedinstruktør for Sunyata Aikido Dojo i Heggedal (nær Asker), og har vært med på å bygge opp aikidomiljøet i Norge.
red.: Hør mer om Moulikosi et audio-intervju gjort sommeren 2011 av aikidoka James Arnfinsen (på engelsk):
Synopsis: “He tells about how he came into the martial arts and further explains how Aikido is a system of self defense, but at the same time a highly advanced approach to personal and relational transformation. We also explore the connections between Aikido and daily life and how Aikido could be relevant for people doing leadership training. Mouliko also points to how Aikido can be a way to gradually train our ability to be present in the moment and how the concepts of “form” and “freedom” play into Aikido and creativity in general. At the end we delve into Mouliko’s latest initiative called the “Super Week”. Hopefully our conversation will be of interest to people outside the martial arts scene as well”.
(skrevet av Tete Hallen)