You are welcome to contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the Norwegian Aikido Federation at naf@aikido.no or chair of the board Ida Anderssen by phone number 91 86 47 97. Questions about the content of the website can be directed to redaksjonen@aikido.no

We can  offer:
– Requests for demonstration or tailored aikido classes
– Lecture on aikido’s philosophy, conflict management etc.
– Guest classes at schools
– Press material, interviews etc.
– Help to find aikido practitioners in your area

Contributors to this page

Web development and web design: Elisabeth Kallinen, Torgeir Hoffmann og Hans Olai Martinsen.
Text: Shihan Bjørn Eirik Olsen on behalf of the Technical committee of The Norwegian Aikido Federation and Ida Lagos Andersen on behalf of the Board of the Federation.
Photography: Sigurd Rage, Hadeland Folkehøgskole, Elisabeth Kallinen and Kristoffer Sandven.

The content of this page is protected by  copyrigth law. Thank you to everyone who has contributed in the Norwegian Aikido Federation and in the Aikikan!